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Int Ass. Volc.& Chem. Earth. Int. | | " IAVCEI stands for the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior. The Association represents the primary international focus for: (1) research in volcanology, (2) efforts to mitigate volcanic disasters, and (3) research into closely related disciplines, such as igneous geochemistry and petrology, geochronology, volcanogenic mineral deposits, and the physics of the generation and ascent of magmas in the upper mantle and crust. IAVCEI is run by an Executive Committee whose membership changes every four years. The Executive determines policies for the Association, enacting them through a series of Commissions and TaskGroups. IAVCEI aims to be outward-looking, seeks relationships with other international scientific organisations, and participates in international scientific projects. It aims also to maintain a robust publishing policy, encouraging the presentation of high caliber, volcanological research results, mainly through its premier international journal the Bulletin of Volcanology. "
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European Volcano. Society | | | " The European Volcanological Society is an independant (NGO) scientific organization established in 1991 and based in Geneva, Switzerland.Main goal is to develop international cooperation in the field of the forecasting of the volcanic eruptions. The present president of the S.V.E . is Henry Gaudru , member of the International Commission on Mitigation of the Volcanic Disasters (IAVCEI) and scientific adviser for UN-ISDR. The main function of the S.V.E. is to provide scientific and technical assistance teams and/or logistical support for the expeditions leds by scientists working in the Universities, or in public or private laboratories. The S.V.E., also organize its own expeditions on the active volcanoes around the world. Many of these expeditions are carried out in cooperation ... " more
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NASA TOMS | | Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) " This website documents the efforts of the TOMS Volcanic Emissions Group, based in the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, to detect, track and measure volcanic eruption plumes from space. We also collaborate with researchers and students in the Volcanic Clouds study group at Michigan Technological University. Our group uses satellite data from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) instruments to map and quantify sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) emitted by volcanoes. We also use the TOMS instruments to map volcanic ash and aerosol emissions, using an "aerosol index". The aerosol index locates absorbing and non-absorbing aerosol clouds, which include volcanic ash clouds, sulfate aerosol, dust, and smoke clouds; however, at present it cannot discriminate among the absorbing species. " more
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NASA EOS IDS Volcanology | | NASA EOS IDS Volcanology
A Global Assessment of Active Volcanism, Volcanic Hazards, and Volcanic Inputs to the Atmosphere from the Earth Observing System. | " (...) EOS is a series of polar-orbiting remote-sensing satellites planned for launch starting in 1999 and spanning a period of at least 15 years. EOS is a major component of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise. The title of our investigation is: A Global Assessment of Active Volcanism, Volcanic Hazards, and Volcanic Inputs to the Atmosphere from the Earth Observing System. The Principal Investigator is Pete Mouginis-Mark (University of Hawaii) and the Deputy Team Leader is Joy Crisp (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). The impact of volcanoes on the Earth system was dramatically demonstrated by the eruption in 1991 of Mt. Pinatubo (Philippines), and in 1994 by activity at Rabaul volcano (Papua New Guinea). Mt. Pinatubo has had a near-global effect via the introduction of 20 to 30 megatons of sulfur dioxide and aerosols into the atmosphere... " more
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U.S. Geological Survey | 1,987 |
USGS Earthquake | | " This web site is provided by the United States Geological Survey’s Earthquake Hazard Program as part of our effort to reduce earthquake hazard in the United States. We are part of the USGS Geologic Discipline and are the USGS component of the congressionally-established, multi-agency National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP). The UGS participates in the NEHRP with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the National Science Foundation (NFS). In the 2004 reauthorization of NEHRP by Congress, NIST has been given the lead role to plan and coordinate this national effort to mitigate earthquake losses by developing and applying earth science data and assessments essential for land-use planning, engineering design, and emergency preparedness decisions. " more
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Volcano Systems Center | | " The University of Washington established the Volcano Systems Center (VSC) to link volcano-related activities of Geological Sciences, Geophysics, Oceanography, the U.S. Geological Survey, and a number of other departments and schools on campus. Many intrinsically interdisciplinary volcanic processes and problems are not studied effectively by traditional research efforts; a major intellectual benefit of the VSC is the interplay among the wide-ranging disciplines involved in the study of volcanic systems. Emphasis throughout is on understanding volcanic processes -- as a foundation for various practical applications... " more
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SOEST | 4,155 |
Smithsonian GVP |
Worldwide Holocene Volcano and Eruption Information | | " The Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program (GVP) is housed in the Department of Mineral Sciences, part of the National Museum of Natural History, on the National Mall in Washington D.C. We are devoted to a better understanding of Earth's active volcanoes and their eruptions during the last 10,000 years. GVP activities can be divided into two main efforts that are closely linked: reporting of current eruptions around the world, and building databases and archival resources for Earth's active volcanoes and their eruptions. In doing so we provide a global context for our planet's active volcanism. The GVP is unique in its documentation of current and past activity for all volcanoes on the planet active during the last 10,000 years. Smithsonian reporting on current volcanic activity dates back to 1968. During the early stages of an eruption anywhere in the world we act as a clearinghouse of reports, data, and imagery. This involves interaction with a worldwide network of contributors, which we refer to as the Global Volcanism Network. Our work is to help manage this early flow of information, making sure the right questions are asked and the right people contacted in a timely manner. We also work to sort through the many poorly known or contradictory aspects of an eruption's early days, making use of maps, images, and data in the GVP archive." more
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Volcano World | | " VolcanoWorld has been the Internet's leading source of information about volcanoes since January 1995. Each year VW serves about 4 million different users, including grade school kids, teachers, college students, professors, researchers, government scientists and the general public. VolcanoWorld was originally funded by NASA and hosted at the University of North Dakota. VW is now part of BrainSpace, a non-profit organization devoted to informal learning for kids and adults of all ages. " more
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