Angel Labs "Angel Labs is a technology company that will change the world for the benefit of Mankind.
I have granted 100+ inventions accumulated over the last 22 years of my life that cover land, sea, and air, to Angel Labs, LLC. I believe I have been blessed to these unique, simple, but revolutionary inventions. I also fully understand that gift accompanies responsibility ... that is to spread these inventions into products for the world as soon as possible.
Angel Labs was formed to provide the most efficient, precise, quickest way to develop and launch these inventions. Angel Labs will apply modern computational techniques, including finite element analysis, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, structural analysis, etc., for ultra fast product turnaround. The end products will help preserve environments, will be inexpensive to produce, safer to use, and will be designed to require lower maintenance.
Angel Labs is composed of inventors, scientists, Engineers, business managers, computer technicians, programmers, machinists, Engine experts, patent attorneys, business consultants etc. Most of these people have been very close and trusted acquaintances with me for the last 25 years. Initially, we will work on one invention at a time until the invention becomes a product and released to the world. As Angel Labs grows, different teams will be able to develop individual and numerous inventions simultaneously under my direction. Ultimately, the goal is to introduce several revolutionary products every quarter of the year. Angel Labs is a close-knit family of professionals working as a team to make my inventions into viable products." ... more