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Wunderground | | The Weather Underground. Provide weather across the world. |
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The Weather Chanel | | The Internet web site of The Weather Chanel features current conditions and forecasts for over 1,700 cities world wide, along with local and regional radars. Many maps and other features available on the domestic cable television are also at one's fingertips, along with weather-related news, educational material, a weather glossary, a storm encyclopedia, and seasonal features.
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WeatherMatrix | | " WeatherMatrix is a worldwide organization of over 9000 amateur and professional weather enthusiasts -- meteorologists, storm chasers and spotters, and weather observers from all parts of the globe. We are the largest online weather community. WeatherMatrix Is Improving."
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83,165 |
UM Weather |  |  | | " The UM Weather, is the Internet's premier source of weather information since 1994. Providing access to thousands of forecasts, images, and the Net's largest collection of weather links, UM Weather is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of weather data on the Web. UM Weather is brought to you by the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences at the University of Michigan. "
1,939 |
Oceanweather |  | " Since its formation in 1977, the company had been fully engaged with support divided between the private and public sector. In the public sector the company continues to perform basic and applied research in marine meteorology and ocean response numerical modeling, supported by both US and foreign government agencies. Our staff continues to gain international reputations through active participation in international scientific conferences and research programs, and in open publication. Oceanweather functions as a specialized consulting firm serving the coastal and ocean engineering communities with its unique capacity to integrate several areas of expertise into specification of definitive design data on the physical environment. Oceanweather's approach is to consistently develop and apply its high-level technology to satisfy practical requirements in the areas of marine meteorology, ocean wave and current specification, ocean engineering, and statistics of environmental data. In the past quarter century Oceanweather has performed dedicated hindcast studies and Joint Industry Projects (JIPs) in virtually every ocean basin in the world.
" more
146,040 - oceanwx@oceanweather.com |
Aviationweather.gov | | " The National Weather Service's aviation weather site with official forecasts as well as experimental and guidance products. "
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National Ice Center |  |  | " The National Ice Center (NIC) Website provides worldwide operational sea ice analyses and forecasts for the armed forces of the U. S. and allied nations, the Department of Commerce, the United States Coast Guard under the Department of Homeland Security, and other U. S. Government and international agencies, and the civil sector. The NIC produces these analyses and forecasts of Arctic, Antarctic, Great Lakes and, Chesapeake Bay ice conditions to support customers with global, regional and tactical scale interests. " ... more
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The NOAA |  | " The NOAA History is an intrinsic part of the history of the United States and the development of its science and commercial infrastructure. The ancestor agencies of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration include the United States Coast Survey established in 1807, the United States Weather Bureau established in 1870, and the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries established in 1871. These organizations were the first physical science agency in the United States, the first agency formed specifically for observation and study of the atmosphere, and the first agency formed to study and conserve natural resources. Under these agencies and their descendants the United States has become recognized as a world leader in the sciences of geodesy, geophysics, metrology, oceanography, meteorology, climatology, marine biology, and marine ecology. Additionally, the impetus given to various types of engineering and the advancement of the mathematical sciences by these organizations was and still is a major contribution to the welfare and well-being of our Nation. " ... more about the NOAA History
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National Severe Storms Lab. |  | National Severe Storms Laboratory | | |
| " The mission of the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) is to enhance the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) capabilities to provide accurate and timely forecasts and warnings of hazardous weather events (e.g., blizzards, ice storms, flash floods, tornadoes, lightning, etc.) The NSSL accomplishes this mission, in partnership with the National Weather Service (NWS), through a balanced program of research to advance the understanding of weather processes, research to improve forecasting and warning techniques, development of operational applications, and transfer of understanding, techniques, and applications to the NWS and other public and private sector agencies. "
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The Air Resources Laboratory |  | " The Air Resources Laboratory (ARL), conducts research on processes that relate to air quality and climate, concentrating on the transport, dispersion, transformation, and removal of trace gases and aerosols, their climatic and ecological influences, and exchange between the atmosphere and biological and non-biological surfaces. The time frame of interest ranges from minutes and hours to that of the global climate. Research in all of these areas involves physical and numerical studies, leading to the development of air quality simulation models. ARL provides scientific and technical advice to elements of NOAA and other Government agencies on atmospheric science, environmental problems, emergency assistance (Homeland Security), and climate change. " ... more
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Nat. Center for Envir. Prediction | | " The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), an arm of the NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS), is comprised of nine distinct Centers, and the Office of the Director, which provide a wide variety of national and international weather guidance products to National Weather Service field offices, government agencies, emergency managers, private sector meteorologists, and meteorological organizations and societies throughout the world. NCEP is a critical national resource in national and global weather prediction. NCEP is the starting point for nearly all weather forecasts in the United States. The Office of the Director is responsible for directing and planning the science, technology and operations of the following National Centers: - The Aviation Weather Center provides aviation warnings and forecasts of hazardous flight conditions at all levels within domestic and international air space.
" ... more
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