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" The JESUS Film Project is reaching out as never before to a key unreached people group: Children! “The Story of Jesus for Children” is a video/DVD which will give every child, both churched and unchurched, a chance to see and hear the gospel of Jesus in a way he/she can understand, in every possible language worldwide. (see our Languages page for current list). “The Story of Jesus for Children” provides a solution to the challenge of teaching children the truth about God and His Son Jesus. This video uses 40 minutes of the original “JESUS” film* and integrates into the drama 22 minutes of new footage with children who might have lived in A.D.30. The video allows children to hear and see the whole story at once, answering questions in clear and concrete terms, and providing fast action. It ends with an invitation, by a child to children, to accept Christ into their lives... "
FamilySafeMedia552,380 safety
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