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White House |
Federal Government |
" About FirstGov
: Whatever you want or need from the U.S. government, it's here
on FirstGov.gov. You'll find a rich treasure of online information,
services and resources.
Our Vision : FirstGov.gov, the official U.S. gateway
to all government information, is the catalyst for a growing
electronic government. Our work transcends the traditional boundaries
of government and our vision is global - connecting the world
to all U.S. government information and services.
Government at Your Fingertips : Our powerful search engine
and ever-growing collection of topical and customer-focused
links connects you to millions of web pages - from the federal
government, local and tribal governments and to foreign nations
around the world. On FirstGov.gov, you can search more than
51 million web pages from federal and state governments, the
District of Columbia and U.S. territories. ..." more
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Your Government - Contacting
the White House
House of Representatives |
Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress
of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House
of Representatives.
Whip |
" The
term whip is derived from the British term "whipper in", who
was the person responsible for keeping the foxhounds from leaving
the pack. AWhip was first used in the British House of Commons
in the late eighteenth century and then in the U.S. House of
Representatives in 1897, when Representative James A. Tawney
(R-Minn.) was appointed whip by Speaker Thomas Reed (R-Maine)
to help keep track of party Members.
As the Majority Whip, Congressman Roy Blunt, performs three
primary functions: mobilizing the vote on key Republican legislative
objectives, providing information to Members and leadership,
coordinating strategy within the House." ... more
House |
" The Speaker of the
House of Representatives is widely viewed as symbolizing
the power and authority of the House. The Speaker's most prominent
role is that of presiding officer of the House. In this capacity
he is empowered by House rules to administer proceedings on
the House floor, including the power to recognize Members on
the floor to speak or make motions and the power to appoint
Members to conference committees. The Speaker also oversees
much of the non-legislative business of the House, such as general
control over the Hall of the House and the House side of the
Capitol and service as the chairman of the House Office Building
Commission. His role as "elect of the elect" in the House also
places the Speaker in a highly visible position with the public.
" ... more
Leader |
The Role of Majority Leader
" The House of Representatives, with its large membership,
has chosen majority and minority leaders since the 19th century
to expedite legislative business and to keep their parties united.
These leaders are elected every two years in secret balloting
of the party caucus or conference.
The role of the majority leader has been defined by history
and tradition. This officer is charged with scheduling legislation
for floor consideration; planning the daily, weekly, and annual
legislative agendas; consulting with Members to gauge party
sentiment; and, in general, working to advance the goals of
the majority party. " ... more
Policy Committee |
" The first of eight
major recommendations of the 1946 Joint Committee on the
Organization of Congress was the consolidation of 81 legislative
committees into 34. The second major recommendation was the
creation of the Policy Committee.
The Joint Committee, which included among its 12 Members
Sen. Robert La Follette, Sen. Claude Pepper, Sen. Richard Russell,
and Rep. Everett Dirksen, envisioned the Policy Committee
as the principal forum for the consideration of forward-looking
legislative initiatives, the enunciation of official party policies,
and the resolution of inter-jurisdictional policy disputes.
The Joint Committee recommended that the Policy Committee
"serve as a formal council to meet regularly with the Executive,
to facilitate the formulation and carrying out of national policy,
and to improve relationships between the executive and legislative
branches of the Government." The Policy Committee serves
all of those missions " ... more
Advantage |
" Capitol Advantage
is the nation’s premier provider of grassroots solutions for
corporations, nonprofit groups, associations, educational
institutions, and other organizations. Founded in 1986, Capitol
Advantage provides grassroots advocacy products and services
to more than 1,500 organizations, including some of the nation’s
largest and most respected portals and media companies as
well as trade associations, nonprofit organizations and corporations.
Whether you are looking for a comprehensive online grassroots
action center, personalized congressional print directories,
or hands-on strategic and tactical consulting support, Capitol
Advantage is the only source of support you will need. "
of the Clerk |
" The Office of the Clerk welcomes
you to the online Information Center. At this site, you can
obtain copies of House documents, including public disclosure
forms, made available by the Clerk as part of his official
duties. You can also find historical information about the
House of Representatives and information about its Members
and Committees. "
Library of Congress |
In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, legislative information
from the Library of Congress
The FedWorld.gov web
site is a gateway to government information. This site is managed
by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) as part
of it's information management mandate.
FedWorld's History
In 1992, FedWorld was established by The National Technical
Information Service (NTIS), an agency of the U.S. Department
of Commerce, to serve as the online locator service for a comprehensive
inventory of information disseminated by the Federal Government.
This service assisted agencies and the public in electronically
locating Federal Government information, both information housed
within the NTIS repository and outside of NTIS.
the official business link to the U.S. Government, is managed
by the U.S. Small
Business Administration (SBA) in a partnership with 21 other
federal agencies. This partnership, known as Business Gateway,
is a Presidential E-government initiative that provides a single
access point to government services and information to help
the nation's businesses with their operations.
"Small Business Guides
"Business.gov Small Business Guides provide easy access
to resources and programs that help businesses understand their
regulatory requirements and improve their operations. Organized
by Business Area and Industries, these guides provide a one-stop
resource for regulatory assistance, and include links to clearly
written fact sheets, guidelines, answers to frequently asked
questions, interactive tools, training resources, and contacts
at Federal regulatory agencies." more
Science.gov is a search engine
for government science information and research results. Currently
in its fourth generation, Science.gov provides search of more
than 50 million pages of science information with just one query,
and is a gateway to over 1,800 scientific Web sites (see Science.gov
fact sheet). .
Science.gov 1.0 was launched in December 2002, providing for
the first time wide public access and a unified search of the
government’s vast stores of scientific and technical information.
Science.gov is an interagency initiative of 17 U.S. government
science organizations within 13 Federal agencies. These agencies
form the voluntary Science.gov Alliance.
In May 2004 Version 2.0 was launched, introducing real-time
relevancy ranking to government science retrieval. This technology,
funded by the Department of Energy, helps citizens sort through
the government’s reservoirs of research and return results most
likely to meet individual needs. An advanced search capability
and other enhancements were added.
A free and convenient "Alert" service was released in February
2005, allowing citizens to receive e-mail alerts about the most
current science developments in their areas of interest..."
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