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US Falconry Organizations & Associations |
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The North American Falcon. Ass. | 
| " The North American Falconers Association (NAFA) is a group of dedicated individuals who share common views in the welfare of raptors (birds of prey) in nature and in their careful employment in the sport of falconry. NAFA welcomes you to explore the world of raptors and the ancient sport of falconry.
California Hawking Club | CALIFORNIA HAWKING CLUB
|  | The California Hawking Club was formed in 1971 by a small group of dedicated falconers to preserve and promote the public image of the art of Falconry, to assist in the conservation of birds of prey, and to collect and disseminate information through its publications.
Arkansas Hawking Association |  | The Arkansas Hawking Association's mission is to work with Arkansas State conservation agencies for the preservation of falconry previleges and the conservation of raptors.
Arizona Falconers' Association | |
Falconry Academy |  | " At The Falconry & Raptor Education Foundation, we believe that if falconry is to continue to grow and flourish the general public must be taught, through exposure, about both birds of prey and falconry. Hal Webster, a prominent American falconer says in his latest book, "Falconry, because of the small number of practitioners, will achieve strength and recognition ONLY through strong, central sports groups of dedicated individuals." At the Falconry & Raptor Education Foundation we believe the more people that understand the true nature of the sport the stronger the sport will be in the long term. The Falconry & Raptor Education Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to The advancing of two principles, Understanding through Exposure and Excellence through Education. "
The Falconry Centre | The Falconry Centre is a medieval courtyard which houses over 200 falcons, hawks, eagles, owls, and vultures. The centre was designed and built for the breeding and research of rare and endangered raptors, while allowing visitors the closest possible viewing. |  |
Washington Falconers Ass. |   | "...Our purpose is to provide communication among and to all members; to promote scientific study of the raptorial species, their care, welfare and training; to promote conservation of birds of prey and an appreciation for their value in nature and in wildlife conservation programs; to urge recognition of falconry as a legal field sport; and, to establish traditions which will aid, perpetuate and further the welfare of falconry and the raptors it employs."
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