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American Institute of Physics | | " American Institute of Physics : AIP is a publisher of research journals, magazines, CD-ROMs, conference proceedings, and directories, both in print and online. We offer our expertise and services covering all aspects of publishing from management and coordination, to copyediting and proofreading, to document preparation, all provided by a staff of highly trained publishing professionals. "
Institute of Physics | | " This is a very short overview of the formation of the Physical Society and the Institute of Physics up until their merger in 1960. '125 years: The Physical Society and the Institute of Physics' by John Lewis was published in the anniversary year and gives a full account of the Institute's formation and activities. The Physical Society was formed by the initiative of Professor Frederick Guthrie, Professor of Physics at the Royal College of Science, South Kensington. Together with his assistant, William Barrett (later Sir W Barrett, FRS), he proposed setting up a 'Society for physical research', by sending an initial circular to 30 physicists in 1873. Emphasis was to be on practical and experimental science. The Committee of the Council on Education offered the Society the free use of laboratories and apparatus in South Kensington and, at a meeting on 14 February 1874, the Physical Society of London was formed with 29 people present ..." more
Atomic Scientists | | " The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has told the world what time it is since 1947, when its famous clock appeared on the cover. Since then, the clock has moved forward and back, reflecting the state of international security... " more
Berkeley Lab | | "Ernest Orlando Lawrence founded this Lab, the oldest of the national laboratories, in 1931. Lawrence invented the cyclotron, which led to a Golden Age of particle physics and revolutionary discoveries about the nature of the universe. Known as a mecca of particle physics, Berkeley Lab long ago broadened its focus. Of our nine Nobel Prizes, five are in physics and four in chemistry. Today, we are a multiprogram lab where research in advanced materials, life sciences, energy efficiency, detectors and accelerators serves America's needs in technology and the environment... " more or Currents
Laser Focus World | | Magazine providing optics, fiberoptic, and laser trends to engineers, and researchers Articles cover various laser applications including excimer micromachining, medical imaging, diodes, VCSEL and dwdm. more
Foresight | | " Foresight Institute's goal is to guide emerging technologies to improve the human condition. Foresight focuses its efforts upon nanotechnology, the coming ability to build materials and products with atomic precision, and upon systems that will enhance knowledge exchange and critical discussion, thus improving public and private policy decisions."
more about Foresight - Nanotechnology - Engines of Creation |
Radiochemistry Society | | " The Radiochemistry Society is a scientific and professional organization whose members specialize in both applied and fundamental radiochemistry, nuclear sciences and environmental concerns. The primary mission of the Radiochemistry Society is to support its members in their chosen specialty and to promote education and public outreach for the safe use, handling and benefits of radioisotopes in security, energy, agriculture, environment, food safety and medicine. This is accomplished through seminars, training, scholarships, meetings and exchange of scientific information. " more
Spectroscopy | | " Spectroscopy promotes and supports the effective use of modern spectroscopic techniques to solve real-world problems in industrial R&D, quality control, environmental testing, and diverse physical and life science disciplines. Each issue of Spectroscopy features useful information on advances in, applications of, and equipment for atomic, molecular, and mass spectrometric techniques. Spectroscopy serves a diverse readership with an editorial package featuring applications-oriented technical articles, plus regular columns that focus on sample handling, chemometrics, spectral interpretation, troubleshooting, instrument design, and more... " more
Superconductor Week | | "Superconductor Week is published 30 times a year providing timely, in-depth coverage of superconductivity and related industries. News and analysis includes the latest technological and business developments, commercialization strategies, end markets, new products, market forecasts, opinions from leading experts, funding, patent information, strategic partnerships, and overviews of government programs... " more
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