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Meteorites plus | 702,363 |
Meteorite.com |  |  | Meteorit.com is an Internet portal for meteorite auction, exchange or buy and sale.
1,767,918 |
nyrockman.com | |   |  | " Allan Langheinrich—better known to his friends as Allan Lang—is known throughout the world, for both his meteorite and fossil collections. He went into business in 1971—first with Lang's Fossils, and then expanding into R.A. Langheinrich Meteorites. He has introduced many collectors and dealers to the field of meteoritics, in fact, a number of today's dealers purchased their first meteorite from Allan! " ... more
Meteorites-r-us |  |  | " This little puppy has a gorgeous black fusion crust over 93% of her voluptous body! She is the certified MAIN MASS to her little sister NWA 480!! And she has a secret. Careful study shows her little backside appears to be covered by a secondary fusion crust!! That might mean she has a BIG sister out there somewhere or maybe a whole family of brothers and sisters!! She's fantastic and weighs in at 70.18 grams! A real Black Beauty!!! We recently returned from NASA, Houston where the Black Beauty was sampled by NASA to determine age in space and how long she waited on earth to be found!! Exciting news is due! "
3,436,902 |
MHMeteorites |  |  | " Mile High Meteorites was established in 1996, one of the first meteorite businesses on the internet and soon became the place where beginning and experienced collectors could purchase rare and exotic meteorites. "
3,456,252 |
Saharamet | 4,170,471 |
Meteorites.com | Meteorites.com | |  |  |
4,314,728 |
Meteorite-martin | 5,414,875 |
Macovich |  | " The Macovich Collection of Meteorites is the largest and most celebrated collection of highly aesthetic iron meteorites in the world. Among the numerous private and institutional collections that contain specimens from The Macovich Collection are The Smithsonian, The Natural History Museum (London), the R. Haag Collection (Tucson), The Academy of Sciences (Beijing and Moscow) and the American Museum of Natural History (New York City). More meteorites from The Macovich Collection have been sold at auction... "
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Meteorite Central |  |
" The quote above seems to sum up the feeling of most meteorite collectors. Most of us are exposed to the idea of 'space' at a young age; in school, from books, on TV, at the movies, and any number of other places. Many of us had dreams of becoming an astronaut and traveling to distant worlds (and many of us still do!). Meteorites ARE from space, and they give us the opportunity to touch, hold, and study something from the vast unknown of space. A very popular Stone meteorite, Allende (photo at right) fell in February of 1969 in Chihuahua, Mexico. Over two tons of material has been collected from the vast strewn field. If you are new to meteorites there are a few things that will help you on your way to becoming a meteoriticist. First of all, there are a few distinct terms to remember: " ... more
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American Meteor Society | The American Meteor Society |
" For a number of years, the AMS has supported beginning visual observers of meteors by providing brief observing directions, charts, forms and other materials upon receipt of an initial dues payment and we will continue to do this. Many beginning observers can make accurate observations, but lack the background to do the data reduction once the observations are made. The AMS does not have a formal training program, but will continue to support willing observers with information and publications outlining ways in which their data compilations can be made to conform with professional standards. The AMS will also continue to actively support and look for ways in which to modernize our traditional Visual Program. All AMS observers will be encouraged to achieve the highest skill level possible, and to look for new and better ways of gathering accurate visual meteor data. " ... more
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