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Dinosauria |  | " In the marketplace today there are many publications one can turn to for information about dinosaurs. However, the information in these publications tend to be about a single subject, overly scientific, badly out-of-date, or singular expositions of the author's thought. Dinosauria On-Line is intended to give the reader a broader exposure to dinosaur science. I've tried to bring together discussions about the topics that are hot among dinosaur enthusiasts today. This allows the reader not only to see a subject from many points of view, but allows him to see what others think about ideas and questions that the reader has wondered about but not been able to pose to knowledgeable people. " more
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240,890 |
Oceans of Kansas | OCEANS OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGY - Fossils from the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Sea | " (...) My name is Mike Everhart and I am your host on a virtual journey more than 85 million years "back in time" to observe some of the many strange and wonderful creatures that lived in the oceans of the Earth during the final stages of the Age of Dinosaurs. I have collected fossils from the Smoky Hill Chalk of western Kansas for the last thirty-plus years and have been an Adjunct Curator of Paleontology at the Sternberg Museum of Natural History in Hays, Kansas since 1998. I am currently (2004) President-elect of the Kansas Academy of Science, and have conducted ... " more
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799,669 |
Dinodata |  | Paleontological Database |  |
862,200 |
Peabody.yale |  | PEABODY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Yale University P.O. Box 208118 — 170 Whitney Avenue — New Haven, CT 06520-8118 — (203) 432-5050 |
5,803 |
Society of Vertebrate Paleo. |   | " The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Founded in 1940 by thirty-four paleontologists, the Society now has almost 2,000 members representing professionals, students, artists, preparators, and others interested in VP. It is organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes, with the object of advancing the science of vertebrate paleontology." more
| " The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, JVP is the leading journal of professional vertebrate paleontology and the flagship publication of the Society. It was founded in 1980 by Dr. Jiri Zidek and publishes contributions on all aspects of VP. Tables of contents and abstracts are available, as are guidelines for submission." more
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1,107,030 |
Asso. of Applied Paleo. Sci. |  | " The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences, formerly the "American Association of Paleontological Suppliers" was organized to create a professional association of commercial fossil and mineral collectors and preparators for the purpose of promoting ethical collecting practices and cooperative liaisons with researchers, instructors, curators and exhibit managers in the academic and museum paleontological community. The American Lands Access Association was established by the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies for the purpose of promoting and ensuring the right of the amateur hobby collector, recreational prospector and miner to the use of public and private lands for collecting rocks, minerals and fossils for educational and recreational purposes. These Associations have chosen to cooperate in the effort to introduce and enact legislation that will establish a statutory right of access for amateur and commercial fossil and mineral collecting on federal public lands. For more information contact Editor Marion Zenker."
Int. Palaeontological Asso. |  | " The I.P.A. was founded in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., in July, 1933 during the 16th Session of the International Geological Congress under the name of International Paleontological Union (I.P.U.). The first constitution was published in the Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 12 (1938). A revised constitution of I.P.U. was adopted in London, England on 17th July, 1958 during the 15th Session of the International Zoological Congress. The new name 'International Palaeontological Association' and a new constitution were adopted on 25th August, 1972 during the 24th Session of the International Geological Congress in Montreal, Canada... " " The aim of the I.P.A. is to promote and coordinate international cooperation in palaeontology, including palaeobotany and palaeozoology of all geological periods, and to encourage the integration and synthesis of all palaeontological knowledge." ... more
36,722 |
Fossil News | Fossil News | |  | " Journal of Avocational Paleontology is a monthly magazine published specifically with the fossil enthusiast or avocational paleontologist in mind. A wide variety of articles is presented, most of them written by avocational paleontologists, on subjects ranging from field experiences to fossils of a given type or region to paleoart to evolutionary theory. Whether you are an armchair paleontologist or an experienced field collector, we have something to offer you." ... more |
4,130,525 |
Fossil Mall | 
" Fossil Mall is a shopping mall of independent stores of multiple fossil dealers providing collectors an:
Extreme Diversity of
Fossils for Sale."
|  | " An extensive inventory of fine fossils for sale is presented with meaningful scientific description and high resolution pictures where you can actually see what you are buying.
825,244 |
Stones & Bones | 1,000,913 |
Field Adventures | Field Adventures in Paleontology! |  | " Let me take you on a personal tour of some of the digs I've gone on in recent years, both scientific excavations and personal collecting trips, and show you some of the fossils that are found there. "
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