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Sailing Yachts builders

Premiers Sail Boats Manufacturers

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Baltic Yachts USA
Dehler USA
Oyster Marine
Fountaine Pajot
Covey Island Boatworks
Fantasi Yachts
Hunter Marine
Legendary Yachts, Inc.
Morris Yachts
Najad sail Yachts
North Wind Yachts
Ocean Yachts
Sabre Yachts
Saga Yachts
Cape George Cutter
Sam L Morse Co.
Hans Christian Yachts
Wauquiez International

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Baltic Yachts USA

"Baltic Yachts was founded in 1973 on a radical philosophy. With five founding partners, we set out to create boats that incorporated the very latest thinking in yacht design and new technology. In short, we set out on a mission to design and build boats that were Faster, Stronger and Lighter.

We could have simply built copies of yachts that existed at the time, but we felt it was essential to come up with our own philosophy. Faster, Stronger and Lighter were three principles that fired our imaginations and governed everything that we thought and did. These days, few would argue that all three principles are values well worth having in a sailing yacht, but in the early 1970s the last of those three, light displacement, was not really considered a virtue. We are still true to our philosophy, but have placed greater emphasis on Flexibility and Custom than ever before.

We believe that without a company philosophy, it is difficult to find a common direction. The Baltic Yachts' philosophy is used as a basis for decisions and as a tool in our daily work efforts to continue building custom high performance yachts--faster, stronger and lighter..."

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