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Gemological Inst. of America |  | | " There is more to GIA than its 71 years of groundbreaking gemological research and education. More than the Institute's dedicated team of over 800 professionals. More than its nonprofit status. GIA's Active Ingredients Look beyond the world renowned reputation of GIA's Diamond Grading Reports... ...beyond the credibility and prestige imparted by its diploma programs... ...beyond the countless discoveries of its distinguished scientists and researchers... ...and what you're left with are the active ingredients in each of GIA's products and services: knowledge, integrity, credibility, and authority. ..." more
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I. G. I. Worldwide | International Gemological Institute |  | | | " Established in Antwerp, New York, Bangkok, Mumbai and Tokyo, IGI has now developed into the largest independent gem certification and appraisal institute renowned for its quality services, extensive experience and know-how. IGI, the oldest institute of its kind in Antwerp, was set up in 1975 and along with its sister laboratory in New York, is one of the leading gemological institutions in the world." more
Intern. Colored Gemstone | |
American Gem Society | |
A.G.T.A. | |  |  " The American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) is an association of North American trade professionals dedicated to promoting the long term stability and integrity of the natural colored gemstone, pearl, and cultured pearl industry. The association pursues its goals through the combined use of educational programs, publicity, industry events, government and industry relations, and printed materials for both the trade and consumer. The AGTA is well known in the gem and jewelry industries for maintaining the highest ethical standards. ..." more
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The M.S.A. |  | " The Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) was founded in 1919 for the advancement of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, and petrology, and promotion of their uses in other sciences, industry, and the arts. It encourages fundamental research about natural materials; supports the teaching of mineralogical concepts and procedures to students of mineralogy and related arts and sciences; and attempts to raise the scientific literacy of society with respect to issues involving mineralogy. The Society encourages the general preservation of mineral collections, displays, mineral localities, type minerals and scientific data. MSA represents the United Sates with regard to the science of mineralogy in any international context. " ... more
International Gem Society | International Gem Society | " Gemology is the study of gemstones: what constitutes a gem, the terminology of gemstones, their physical and optical properties, and how those properties are used to identify gems. Learning gemology does not have to cost thousands of dollars. As an IGS member, you are automatically enrolled in our gemology course. The only other charges are for testing. " ... more
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British Geological Survey |   | " Founded in 1835, the British Geological Survey (BGS) is the world's longest established national geological survey and the United Kingdom's premier centre for earth science information and expertise. As a public sector organisation we are responsible for advising the UK government on all aspects of geoscience as well as providing impartial geological advice to industry, academia and the public. The BGS is a component organisation of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), which is the UK's leading body for basic, strategic and applied research and monitoring in the environmental sciences. The NERC was founded by Royal Charter in 1965 and reports to the UK government's Office of Science and Technology under the Department of Trade and Industry. " ... more
the GPAA |  |  | " The Gold Prospectors Association (GPAA) was founded in 1968 to preserve and promote the great heritage of the North American Prospector. The GPAA was also dedicated to providing a platform for the exchange of information, presenting an organized voice for recreational and professional prospectors and helping it's members find more gold. Today, the GPAA has become the worlds largest prospecting organization, but our goals haven't changed one bit. Through television, the internet and print media, the GPAA today provides more information and is a more effective organized voice that ever before. GPAA programs provide places to go, local support, free information service and much more." more
Int. Palaeontological Asso. |  | " The I.P.A. was founded in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., in July, 1933 during the 16th Session of the International Geological Congress under the name of International Paleontological Union (I.P.U.). The first constitution was published in the Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 12 (1938). A revised constitution of I.P.U. was adopted in London, England on 17th July, 1958 during the 15th Session of the International Zoological Congress. The new name 'International Palaeontological Association' and a new constitution were adopted on 25th August, 1972 during the 24th Session of the International Geological Congress in Montreal, Canada... " " The aim of the I.P.A. is to promote and coordinate international cooperation in palaeontology, including palaeobotany and palaeozoology of all geological periods, and to encourage the integration and synthesis of all palaeontological knowledge." ... more
American Meteor Society | The American Meteor Society |
" For a number of years, the AMS has supported beginning visual observers of meteors by providing brief observing directions, charts, forms and other materials upon receipt of an initial dues payment and we will continue to do this. Many beginning observers can make accurate observations, but lack the background to do the data reduction once the observations are made. The AMS does not have a formal training program, but will continue to support willing observers with information and publications outlining ways in which their data compilations can be made to conform with professional standards. The AMS will also continue to actively support and look for ways in which to modernize our traditional Visual Program. All AMS observers will be encouraged to achieve the highest skill level possible, and to look for new and better ways of gathering accurate visual meteor data. " ... more
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