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US Patent Gov. | The United States Patent and Trademark Office | The US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The role of the Patent and Trademark Office is to grant patents for the protection of inventions and to register trademarks. It serves the interest of inventors and businesses with respect to their inventions and corporate products, and service identifications. It also advises and assists the bureaus and offices of the Department of Commerce and other agencies of the Government in matters involving “intellectual property” such as patents, trademarks and semiconductor mask works. Through the preservation, classification, and dissemination of patent information, the Office aids and encourages innovation and the scientific and technical advancement of the nation.
Patent Info | The VRN Patent Entry | The VRN Patent try constantly to collect links to the Internet's most valuable resources relating to intellectual and industrial property right, and particularly sites relating to patents and patenting. Due to the increasing complexity of the old VRN Patent Page, VRN have now split the page up into 5 separate Patent pages, respectively dealing with Patent Authorities (national patent offices as well as patent organizations), Patent Law (national patent laws and international patent conventions as well as case-law), General Patent Information (Patent FAQs, hints, national patent practice, how to patent yourself), Patent Searching (Service providers and patent databases) and Patent Attorneys (Attorneys, patent agents, patent lawyers, patent translators and the like). The VRN Patent
Patent Auction | | | " To sell or license your property : PatentAuction.com is the premier intellectual properties auction on the web. So whether you own a a patent, trademark, copyright, business, means and method of doing business, book, music, game, etc. you'd like to license or sell, you've come to the right place! Sellers If you have an invention, a business process, written a book, a poem, developed a game, have a patent, trademark, technical know-how, or own a domain name or trade secret that you'd like to license or sell, you've come to the right place! " ... more
IpNewsFlash | | " Rolf Claessen's IP Newsflash: Patent Research, Patents, Trademarks, Intellectual Property, Patente, Marken, Geistiges Eigentum " |
IPFRONTLINE™ | | "PatentCafe® is the leading provider of patent data centric enterprise intellectual property asset management (IPAM) software and informational resources. PatentCafe is one of the most recognized intellectual property brands. Formed in 1996, it's one of the world's oldest and most trusted intellectual property information networks on the Internet (and arguably, the largest). For nearly a decade, it has served the informational needs of Fortune 50 executives, to intellectual property professionals and patent law firms, to university & government researchers, as well as engineers, scientists and inventors." ... more
Invention Development Group | | " At Invention Development Group Ltd., we are a group of experienced and dedicated consultants who's mission is to provide quality and timely products, services, and licensing expertise to individual and small business inventors of unique and innovative products. Invention Development Group Ltd. has negotiated stategic alliances with key industry consultants to ensure the highest quality of all its consulting services. We provide complete one-stop shopping for inventors in western Canada..." more
bIPlog at boalt.org | | " The bIPlog was produced by a class at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism that brought together students from journalism, law, computer science and information management and systems to create a Weblog on intellectual property issues. The Weblog grew out of a meeting in April 2002 of editors from online and traditional media publications, entrepreneurs at technology and information companies, and others who were asked to critique the new media and online publishing courses offered at the journalism school... " more Our Mission The bIPlog aims to advance the debate over intellectual property by aggregating noteworthy, factual information with thought-provoking commentary. "
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