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Money Informations

" Since 1948, 10,689 Mooneys have been produced and distributed to every continent worldwide. All but 416 have been of the M20 series, and approximately 9,350 have been of all-metal design (M20C - M20T). These M20s may be classified into three distinct categories that share similar performance characteristics and historical significance. Mooney typically refers to these as the Legacy, Renaissance and Current Production series.

The current aircraft model offered represent an advanced state of evolution of the proven M20 design. Many features, specifications and attributes of these aircraft are similar or, in some cases, identical, to the original design while improvements have been made where needed. The philosophy of Mooney is to improve when it adds value to the design and to otherwise leverage past engineering. A key example of that is the use of composites - many customers and others suggest that we re-design the wing using newer materials. Not only is there no significant benefit, but it would depart from a material and design that has been proven to create an excellent safety record and the highest efficiency possible. Therefore Mooney continues to focus on these three products as well as looking forward with new variations and new models." More information

Money Ovation

Money Ovation2 DX

Money Ovation2 GX

Money Bravo DX
Money Bravo GX
Flight Safety
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All images are protected by copyright.

Courtesy of Mooney

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