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World Agro Forestry Center |
 | The World Agroforestry Centre combines excellence in scientific research and development to address global poverty, hunger and environmental needs through collaborative programs and partnerships that transform lives and landscapes locally and globally.
754,484 |
Musser Forests |   | " Each year, we produce over 35 million conifer and hardwood seedlings and transplants. Plus, groundcovers, landscaping shrubs, perennials and ornamental grasses. We offer the broadest selection of plant material available from one nursery. We operate seven nurseries, all located in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Musser plants are shipped throughout the U.S. and Canada. Click here to receive our FREE COLOR CATALOG or browse our online store. " more
1,011,785 |
Green Wood Nursery |  | "(...) The Greenwood Nursery Internet Store is part of our family owned and operated wholesale nursery and plant farm. We are located in middle Tennessee in the small city of McMinnville. " It all started just over twenty years ago when we planted our first seeds and shrub cuttings. At the time, we were expecting our first child. As our business expanded so did our family with two more additions. " Today, Greenwood Nursery is still dedicated to servicing the needs of our clients. We successfully fulfill both large and small orders for plants and supplies from coast to coast. Not only do we ship to our customers, Greenwood Nursery is, also, a plant fulfillment center for major catalog houses. With resources across the country, we can locate just about any plant material. "
281,539 |
American Forest |
" American Forests
is a world leader in planting trees for environmental restoration,
a pioneer in the science and practice of urban forestry, and
a primary communicator of the benefits of trees and forests.
" American Forests (americanforests.org) is the nation’s
oldest nonprofit citizens’ conservation organization. Citizens
concerned about the waste and abuse of the nation’s forests
founded American Forests in 1875. The organization is proud
of its historic roots in the development of America’s conservation
movement and proud of the new approaches the organization has
developed to help people improve the environment in the 21st
Century. American Forests’ Ecosystem Restoration and Maintenance
Agenda presents our core values and seeks to build support for
our policy goals. These goals focus on assisting communities
in planning and implementing tree and forest actions to restore
and maintain healthy ecosystems and communities. We also work
with community-based forestry partners in both urban and rural
areas to help them participate in national forest policy discussions.
American Forests seeks to broaden awareness of the interdependence
of communities and forests through our policy and communication
activities with local partners.
" The roots of our work at American Forest are deep in
the communities we serve all over America. Whether it is planting
trees to restore ecosystems damaged by wildfire, working with
cities to reverse the decline in urban tree cover or instituting
a Living Classroom project at a local school everything we do
is community based... " more
335,685 |
ISA Arbor |  | The International Society of Arboriculture is a worldwide professional organization dedicated to fostering a greater appreciation for trees and to promoting research, technology, and the professional practice of arboriculture.
662,956 |
Tree Link |

" Tree Link was
created to provide information, research, and networking for
people working in urban and community forestry. For the researcher,
the arborist, the community group leader, the volunteer-our
purpose is to inform, educate, and inspire. "
" What is Urban Forestry?
" When you think of a city, you probably don't automatically
think of trees. Isn't a city a collection of buildings, pavement,
and parking lots? Yes, but cities also support trees and open
spaces. In fact, trees are a vital part of any urban landscape.
The term urban forestry refers to this relationship.
" The people who work in urban and community forestry,
whether they're professionals or volunteer groups, do the important
job of planting and caring for trees in our communities.
" Why TreeLink?
" It's increasingly true that the success of urban forestry
depends on information, education and communication. Funded
by a major grant from the National Urban and Community Forestry
Advisory Council (part of the USDA Forest service), TreeLink
will provide a rich and flexible set of resources for "
the urban forestry community. For example, here you'll find:
- Educational materials
- How-to guides
- A research database ... more
880,932 |
College of Forestry |  | " The College of Forestry and Conservation (originally School of Forestry) was founded in 1913, one of the first programs accredited by the Society of American Foresters. The College has earned nationwide respect for the quality of its programs, and it has produced some of the nation's finest natural resource managers. The College has three departments: Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences, Forest Management, and Society and Conservation. Research and outreach activities are administered through the Montana Forest and Conservation Experiment Station, a state-wide agency of the Montana University System. The College of Forestry and Conservation faculty stress hands-on experience to supplement students' academic work. This is accomplished with well-equipped laboratories, extensive computer technology, and access to four outstanding field stations -- the 28,000-acre Lubrecht Experimental Forest, the Yellow Bay Biological Station on the shores of 184 square mile Flathead Lake, ... " more
46,057 |
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