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Antique Flowers Countryware Resources |
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Selectseeds |
 | Selectseeds Antique Flowers is the catalog for the gardener who enjoys antique, heirloom flowers, their fragrance, grace, vigor, history, and unending variety. We offer choice seed selections of rare, old-fashioned flower varieties and your favorite garden flowers, plus starter plants including scented geraniums, fragrant varieties, flowering vines, coleus, container plants, perennials, and so much more!
1,064,372 |
Wild-flowers |  | Wildflowers offers links to the various resources GardenWeb has relating to wildflowers and native plants. |
629,686 |
Missouri Botanical Garden |  | " The Missouri Botanical Garden is open every day except December 25. Many entertaining and spectacular events take place throughout the year, on the Garden grounds and at the Shaw Nature Reserve in Gray Summit, Missouri. The Garden offers a place of serenity amidst the hustle of the city. And thousands visit the Garden every year for gardening tips. To find out more about what's going on the Garden, surf through the website... " more
30,430 |
Center for Plant Conservation |  | " The Center for Plant Conservation (CPC) is dedicated solely to preventing the extinction of U.S. native plants. The Center was one of the first organizations created to meet this need. The Center is a network of more than 30 leading botanic institutions. Founded in 1984, the Center operates the only coordinated national program of off-site (ex situ) conservation of rare plant material. This conservation collection ensures that material is available for restoration and recovery efforts for these species. The Center also works in research, restoration, technical assistance, education and advocacy through the efforts of the network and the national office. " ... more
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Botanical Society of America |
The Botanical Society of America (BSA) is a "not-for-profit"
membership society that exists to promote botany, the field
of basic science dealing with the study and inquiry into the
form, function, diversity, reproduction, evolution, and uses
of plants and their interactions within the biosphere. To accomplish
this mission, the objectives of The Society are to: sustain
and provide improved formal and informal education about plants;
encourage basic plant research; provide expertise, direction,
and position statements concerning plants and ecosystems; and
foster communication within the professional botanical community,
and between botanists and the rest of humankind through publications,
meetings, and committees. " more
516,587 |
Florabundaseeds | |  |  | " Florabunda Seeds is a company dedicated to preserving old species of flowers, many of which are the parents of today's modern hybrids. These are the flowers of the English cottage gardens of the past, often having been salvaged from abbeys and monasteries in England in the middle ages. Others were brought back to Britain by plantsmen who were sent out on plant-hunting expeditions around the world. Modern plant breeding and hybridization has turned the public's eye away from many of our precious heirloom flowers... " more
3,532,612 |
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