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Assessement |  | " MAPP Company Profile The International Assessment Network (IAN) is a Minneapolis, Minnesota-based corporation founded as a subsidiary of ZH Computer in 1995. IAN sells and markets MAPP, Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential. MAPP is an assessment tool available via the Internet that measures an individual’s motivation toward specific work areas. IAN has continually tested, expanded and refined the MAPP assessment system for more than 40 years and remains committed to providing you with leading-edge technology that gets results. " IAN’s vision is to provide personalized and comprehensive Internet-based assessments that help people reach their maximum potential, benefiting the individual, the employer and the economy. " ... more
23,020 |
Career Lab |  | " Celebrating 25 years of excellence, we're a career strategy and leadership development firm based in Denver, Colorado USA. Since 1978, more than 300 brand-name corporations—both large and small, across all industries—have trusted us for Testing & Assessment, Executive Coaching, and Outplacement. " " In addition, every day of every year, we orchestrate remarkable career advancement and transition for mid- to senior-level managers and executives, top professionals, consultants, and entrepreneurs. More than 7,500 travelers visit this Web page every day. " " We're the Colorado branch of Lincolnshire International, a premier human resources consulting firm providing career management, executive coaching, and outplacement counseling in the US, Europe, and Asia. Wait five (5) seconds. The Lincolnshire website will appear automatically. " ... more
43,265 |
Career Key |  | " The Career Key is a free service to help you with career choices, career changes, and career planning, job search, and choosing a college major or training program. More than 5,000 people visit daily for professional career guidance." " The Career Key (CK) was first published in 1987 by the Ferguson Publishing Company to supplement its Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance (similar to the Occupational Outlook Handbook found at this website). It measured a person's resemblance to the six Holland personality types and, based on the results, users were able to identify occupations to consider. In 1990-1992, Careers, Inc. expanded the CK to 20 pages and took over its publication. During this period, a number of studies showed that its validity and reliability were comparable to similar instruments and that users found it helpful. " more The Author : " Lawrence K. Jones is a professor Emeritus in the College of Education at North Carolina State University where he specializes in the areas of school counseling and career counseling and development. He received his Master's degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and earned his Ph.D. in counseling psychology at the University of Missouri. " more
97,057 |
The Leader to Leader Institute |  | " The Leader to Leader Institute has its roots in the social sector and its predecessor, the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, which in January 2003 transferred its ongoing activities to the new identity. " The Leader to Leader Institute furthers its mission "to strengthen the leadership of the social sector" by providing educational opportunities and resources to leaders. Continuing the work of the Institute since its founding in 1990, the Leader to Leader Institute serves as a broker of intellectual capital, bringing together the finest thought leaders, consultants, and authors in the world with the leaders of social sector voluntary organizations. By providing intellectual resources to leaders in the business, government, and social sectors, and by fostering partnerships across these sectors, the Leader to Leader Institute works to strengthen social sector leaders of the United States and of nations around the globe... more & site map
117,270 |
Coaching & Mentoring Online |    | NLP, NLP CDs! Coaching & Mentoring OnLine: Amongst the leading team building, coaching & personal development sites. NLP. Over 100 products/services on nlp, coaching, team building, leadership, motivation, relationships, parenting, self-improvement & personal growth! Team building. Authors include Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins & Brian Tracy!" " What are these self-empowering coaching programs? : " They are ready-made self-developing programs available on CD or online access. They awaken your potentials and develop your talents into effective skills, admirable behaviours, positive habits, empowering abilities, generic capabilities and generative resources. " " Dr Reza Borr is our seniour coach and mentor, the author of 5 books has invested 25 years of his life to research, design, test, and record these self-coaching programs on CD/Online Access to make it easy for you to make change and embark on a path of realisation, success and fulfilment. " ... more
311,209 |
Pantesting |  | " Performance Assessment Network (referred to as pan) is a state-of-the-art web-based system for the distribution, administration, and analysis of professional assessments, tests, and surveys. pan is distinguished by both its wide range of products and its web-based e-testing process, representing a network of over 35 of the top assessment publishers in the world." pan Services " Pan provides the complete solution for the test professional. The pan e-testing model enables you to Order Tests, Administer Tests, and Review Results all online. " Pan process
456,022 |
Impact by Coaching |  | " Coaching leads to insight, learning, and improvement-- critical factors for individual and organizational growth. " " Impact Coaching specializes in the assessment and development of individuals, and teams. We use 360º assessments and other instruments such as personality, leadership, listening, career, and time management to enhance the coaching process. " What is Coaching? It's Not Just For Athletes Anymore! Coaching is a one-on-one trusting relationship with a qualified coach who facilitates and guides individuals to achieve results in areas important to them. Coaches are described as the "secret power" by Fortune and "invaluable" by Time magazines. Businesses and corporations who hire coaches routinely report increased sales. Individuals who hire personal coaches report greater life satisfaction, higher productivity, less stress, and more fun. " ... more - Our Coaches - products
1,492,332 |
Training House |  | Our programs produce measurable improvements in performance. That's why our clients come back year after year. And that's why we view one another as partners, working together to develop programs and to help you assess their organizational impact. | | " HRD Press and TrainingHouse, located in Amherst, Massachusetts, are leaders in the creation and design of a wide spectrum of courses, assessments, simulations, surveys, and in-house workshops. Since 1971, we've published more than 600 hours of packaged instructional materials with one overriding goal: to help you achieve your HR objectives. " " We specialize in management development, team building, organizational effectiveness, and training for trainers. Our programs can be conducted by your instructors or by our staff and worldwide Network of Associates located in major cities across the U.S. and in eighteen countries." " Interested in becoming an Associate? Press here for further details." " More than 70,000 managers, supervisors, and professionals have successfully used The Managerial Assessment of Proficiency, an objective, video-based, computer-scored assessment that measures strengths and developmental needs across 12 key competencies." ... more
1,285,433 |
Discstyles |  |  | " An indisputable fact is that people prefer to interact with people they like. The ability to create rapport with people is a fundamental skill in sales, management, personal relationships, and everyday life. The goal of DISCstyles is to create personal chemistry and productive relationships. You do not have to change your personality. You simply have to understand what drives people and recognize your options for effectively dealing with them. DISCstyles teaches you powerful life-skills that will serve you well in all your relationships: business, social and family. " " To fully experience the magic of DISCstyles, take your DISCstyles Online Assessment now. " " ... more about DISCstyles and The Platinum Rule™ "
2,453,861 |
humaxnetworks |  | Humax Corporation is the pioneer in helping companies, groups, and individuals achieve measurable business results by improving their social capital.
" Our Humax On-line™ Assessment is a scientific evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of your social capital. The Humax Assessment is administered entirely via computer on the World Wide Web. Registered participants receive a unique access code and instructions to access the assessment from our web site. Upon completion, you will receive a customized Executive Summary as part of the 25-page report that also includes: " " A Personalized Network Diagram - A 3 Letter Profile Type - A Detailed Analysis of the Components of Your Humax Profile - Interpreting Your Humax Profile " "Other Humax Products and Services
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