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    Gold mining sites:
    - Glamis §
    - Silverado
    - Nevadapacificgold
    - Coralgold
    - Rivergoldmine §
    Mining Info Resources:
    - Treasurenet
    - Golddredger forums-
    - Goldminershq §
    - Goldledge
    - Goldfever
    Gold mining Organizations:
    - Gold.org
    - Goldinstitute.org
    - Goldprospectors §
    - Goldminershq §
    - SME.org
    - IBGM Brasil
    - Goldwaschen Ch
    - Northernprospectors
    Gold Investment Informations
    - Kitco.com
    - Gold-eagle
    - Goldseek
    - Investment Rarities
    - A1 Guide-to-gold-investments
    - Goldinvestment
    - Gold-today
    - Gold-stocks
    - Goldsilverbullion
    - Gold-nuggets
    Gold & Mining Magazines:
    - ICMJ
    - The prospector
    - The Mininginvestor
    - Miningmagazines
    - Alaskamining
    Mining Investment:
    - Goldandsilvermines §
    - Mininginvestment §
    - Westernminer
    - Goldmining
    Gold tours:
    - 2getgold
    - The Rocker Box
    - Stangrist §
    - Miningold
    - Origsix
    - Goldgold §
    - Goldprospecting
    - Goldfieldghosttown
    - Huntforgold
    - Goldfun
    - Phoenixmine
    - Nuggethunters
    - Goldmines.ca
    - Indianvalleymine
    - Getgold
    - Eurekagoldpanning
    - Getgold
    - Coloradowesttours
    - Middle-earth-gold nz
    - Worldwidegoldsafaris
    Gold Mining Directory & Portales:
    - Tomashworth
    - Goldsheetlinks
    - Goldminingclaims
    - Jerrysgold
    Treasure Seekers
    - Lost Treasure
    - WWATS
    Gold Maps:
    - Goldmaps
    Mining's Books & Info:
    - Research-unlimited
    Mining's suppliers:
    - Kellycodetectors §
    - Akmining
    - Garrett
    - White's electronics
    - Detecting
    - Minelab Au
    - Keeneeng
    - Tesoro
    - Fisherlab
    - Treasurenow
    - Detection
    - Geometrics **
    - Gold-panning
    - Goldpan
    - Metallocators
    - J&Bdetectors **
    - Streamsidesystems
    - Goldleisureproducts
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